The Main Line

We Wondered...
And now we...
Jericho Season 2
Tuesday, February 12th, 2008
10 PM Eastern


Station Stop

Help Wanted

Exciting Opportunity
Needed:Several million people to watch Jericho in summer reruns and Season 2 this Fall on CBS.
Job Title: Viewer
Hours: As needed- Check your local TV Guide for your work schedule.
Qualifications: Nielsen families preferred but not required.
Benefits: Work in the comfort of your own home. Stimulating, fast-paced environment. Spend more time with family and friends. Enjoy quality television.
Salary: All the eye candy you can devour.
No experience necessary. All ages welcome.

Hysterical Hair -
by ScriptGirl
May 16 2007, 5:19 PM EDT
The network execs, with their graphs and their charts
Have no idea what lurks in our hearts
They seem to reduce you to some kind of stat
I might not know much, but I do know that
For those of us who derive great pleasure
From watching you in our times of leisure
This whole thing screams of a major mistake
Do they realize what’s at stake?
The network whose last big success was MASH
Is looking for someone to bring in some cash
A ghost talking, pageant winning, nasal voiced twig?
A mathematician who can be a prig?
What of this cast full of talent and heart?
Good luck CBS with another new start
We want to see Jake and Eric and Stanley
Guys who are real, men who act manly.
Cop shows and Cop shows and Cop shows more
The fans should TUNE OUT and even the score
Skeet you should know that this fansite’s for you
In good times and rough, you can always turn to
The people here who’ve taken the ride
As you journey'd from Takedown to Miracles, in stride
Don’t let those execs with their cohibas and smarm
Try to tell you how to keep your kids warm
Keep your eye on the ball and the wind in your sails
We’re here for you, through all your travails
Keep on rocking that hysterical hair
As long as you do, your fans will be there.


The Main Line

Art for Later

The concept is simple.
create some art which is
small enough to pass from one hand to another.
It can be a poem
or some music you made on a CD
or a collage.
It can be a short story.
The art can be anything small enough to pass from one hand to the next.
stand in the middle of a crowded street or
in a shopping mall
and hand your art out saying:
“Art for Later.”

Folks get a gift of art to engage on their own terms and in their own time.

You get to expect nothing in return.

Win - Win


The Main Line

Fame and Loathing feel Familiar
The shooter in the mall in Omaha was named Robert Hawkins.

Now here is a really inappropriate connection force fed to Jericho fans by what should be a horrifying and unthinkable act. Unfortunately the unthinkable is becoming more and more common.

It has been reported that the Omaha Robert Hawkins left a note saying "he was sorry and he would no longer be a burden to his family... Now he would just be famous..."

In what possible frame of mind could you believe that killing 8 people and then yourself would make you any less of a burden to your family?

As for famous, the only real way to become so now is to kill more people then the copycats who came before you.

Mr. Hawkins killed 8 and then himself so he does not come close to prominance there but he may be able to claim some sort of title for his holiday approach.

In the year 2525, if man is still alive, the fame seeking killer will have their work cut out for them. I think he, they are mostly he, will have to kill the most folks while standing on their head, holding their breath and with eyes closed.

But I guess we have already reached this stage.

I know it could be shown that this young man was mentally ill and could have been helped. But he is a symptom of a much larger sickness in male culture and real medicine does not treat symptoms.

To quote Lou Reed: “It makes me mad and that makes me sad and then I start to freeze.”


Also on this morning’s news was some audio of the Chaplain of the United States Senate offering a prayer for the productivity and well being of the Senators. This brought my mind back to MikesMom’s story about the prayer in the Rotary club. She Wrote:

“I recall being confused attending my first Rotary meeting. The meeting started with the pledge and a prayer (still does). This is by no means a religious based organization, so it left me questioning things. It didn’t take long for me to realize that the prayer was to seek guidance and strength in our efforts as a group”

I get this aspect of it, I really do, but I wonder if the same purpose could not be served by a moment of silence.

I once read that in meetings between Native American leaders a chief would speak until they had finished their thought and then there would be a period of silence designed to allow the speaker to add any additional thoughts they might have.
What a great Idea!


The Main Line


The wait for a date is over.

At 5:09 pm today there came a post from Nina Tassler saying she wanted the Jericho fans to be the first to know that Jericho would return to television on Tuesday February 12th at 10 pm.

The announcement came at the moment the crisis du jour was about to go critical.(I remember it had something to do with threats, forgiveness and what is forgivable.) But timing is everything and with our most recent board bomb diffused by fate we move forward with a beacon of certainty to help guide us.

To honor this landmark occasion here are some folks who may not have made it this far but without whom we may not have either:






































































This is just a smattering of those who are no longer with us on a regular basis.
Maybe now that season 2 has a start date we will see some of these folks again.
If not, I know that most of us will be together on february 12th.


The Main Line

CBS Secret Door
Debby from South Carolina did some real detective work. She was scouting about to see whether threads in folders other than general comment’s had come un-stickied and she stumble upon a secret door.
In the Residents of Jericho folder there is a thread reminding you not to forget to create your profile.
See Tadd?
Check out his profile.
"Holy Prospero’s books Hawkins!"
Where are we now?
If you click on Browse Profiles and then click on a profile you will be able to maximize for a full size looking glass to check out this wonderland.
Who are these people?
The whole internet must be full of secret doors!
Thank you Debby!
By the way, did threads in any of the other folders come unstickied?


The Main Line

What does Miss Kansas have to do with Jericho?
An inappropriate connection is the answer. In a group it is important to remember that what is relevant to one may not be relevant to another. As an example I have never been able to make an important or pertinent connection between Jericho the TV show and the very real war in Iraq. Some amongst our ranks have made this connection. I cannot say that this has ever really bothered me except when I have witnessed fans being admonished because they did not share a similar belief. In my mind those who make a connection between Jericho and the War are a sub group who naturally can encourage others to join with them in their beliefs but should never seek to punish those who choose not to participate.
Separation of Church and Jericho
I have a deep and ongoing appreciation for religion but I do not think a forum about a television show is the place to discuss or practice it. When a prayer was initiated in a chat room prior to a promotional meeting I attended I was really turned off. When I read that decisions important to the entire fandom are being arrived at after much prayer I wonder why the author of the post feels the need to divulge this. I believe sensitivity to the diversity of a group demands we adopt a secular approach to the way we conduct the groups business. This does not mean that one should not be allowed to pray for the good of the group. Just that the prayer would be better off kept to ones self or at least to the off topic section of the message board.
There is a Jericho fan whose chosen screen name is a direct religious reference. I never knew this until a thread came along which explored the origins of our screen names. I would not have guessed this person was religious and I find this inspiring.
“Money will buy you a fine dog, but only love can make it wag its tail”
-Richard Friedman
I rarely spend money on Jericho. I feel that this is the Job of CBS. I spend my time on Jericho and my time is valuable. I believe it is inappropriate and detrimental to our group to continually come up with promotional initiatives which cost the fans money. Rather than feel bad about not contributing, many who can not afford to contribute will leave. Fewer members will spread the monetary responsibilities amongst fewer contributors and more will leave. Add this to the natural exodus which occurs in a group like ours over time and I believe it amounts to money not so well spent.
New Kid on the Blog
Like many of you this is my first real experience in a fandom and on message boards. The more I ask myself what the save Jericho campaign has taught me the more I think it is the ability to discern the appropriate way to conduct myself in a group setting. Knowing what to post where is an important skill online and now that I know this I finally realize why I started this blog.


The Main Line


We should do what we are good at and try to support one another as there are many missions and passions at work. We should help when we can and ask for help when we need it. We should not expect others help but be grateful when it is extended. We should recognize encouragement as help and help others thus.


The Main Line

Check out his Blog Below!



The Main Line

Everything you want to know about Digg.


The Main Line

Will Work For Jericho, Will CBS?
On May 19th the blog Your Entertainment Now trumpeted “The Save Jericho Campaign Gets Positive Response from CBS”. That post received 143 comments from Jericho Fans Saying that “positive” was not good enough. Three weeks later Newsvine.com was calling Jericho saved.
The Campaign to save the CBS television program “Jericho” was an unprecedented social networking success. The people spoke. The Network Listened and Jericho flourished, Right?
Wrong. Despite Fan and Professional suggestions for promotion of the show and initial Ad attention by the network Jericho has been all but abandoned by CBS in the important lead up to its truncated second season.
It is almost impossible to look at the history of this show and deduce that it has been handled anything but badly from the very beginning. Of late CBS has exhibited more poor decision making by placing the summer re-runs on a Friday night where they were almost certain to be preempted by pre-season football. These re-runs were supposed to introduce a whole new audience to the serial drama and the fans told their families, friends and whomever would listen to watch creating a troubling scenario. Let’s examine the summer rerun season through the posts of members of the CBS Jericho Message Board.
On June 19th Debby from SC was very excited because she just saw a new commercial for Jericho.
SusanDavis inquired whether Direct TV Viewers had Problems watching Jericho tonight? (7-20)
Everyone was encouraged by a message from Nina Tassler. (7-26)
Blackjack 511 posted 0803 Show Prempted. (8-3)
Azlady said I am concerned. (8-3)
SaveJake brought news of an article which was HOT OFF THE PRESS. (8-5)
Sweat629 asked what would you do If you were Nina Tassler? (8-5)
Rubberpoultry created the image “Jericho Preempted by football”. (8-10)
Somewhat exasperated Lovejohnston asked Do you want CBS to promote Jericho? (9-3).
In her first and only post to the CBS message board Wandacarroll wondered Where oh where are the commercials about Jericho? (9-9)
The promotional campaign for the Jericho Season One DVD was no more reassuring for the fans than the summer re-runs. In fact the release day came and went with very little fanfare prompting Cinemablend.com to ask the Question “Did You Forget Jericho”.The comments, I assure you, are worth reading…


The Main Line

Sunday, October 28th is Digg Day!!!

The Main Line

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Conceived and executed by Rich Becker and Rubber Poultry