The Main Line

CBS Secret Door
Debby from South Carolina did some real detective work. She was scouting about to see whether threads in folders other than general comment’s had come un-stickied and she stumble upon a secret door.
In the Residents of Jericho folder there is a thread reminding you not to forget to create your profile.
See Tadd?
Check out his profile.
"Holy Prospero’s books Hawkins!"
Where are we now?
If you click on Browse Profiles and then click on a profile you will be able to maximize for a full size looking glass to check out this wonderland.
Who are these people?
The whole internet must be full of secret doors!
Thank you Debby!
By the way, did threads in any of the other folders come unstickied?


The Main Line

What does Miss Kansas have to do with Jericho?
An inappropriate connection is the answer. In a group it is important to remember that what is relevant to one may not be relevant to another. As an example I have never been able to make an important or pertinent connection between Jericho the TV show and the very real war in Iraq. Some amongst our ranks have made this connection. I cannot say that this has ever really bothered me except when I have witnessed fans being admonished because they did not share a similar belief. In my mind those who make a connection between Jericho and the War are a sub group who naturally can encourage others to join with them in their beliefs but should never seek to punish those who choose not to participate.
Separation of Church and Jericho
I have a deep and ongoing appreciation for religion but I do not think a forum about a television show is the place to discuss or practice it. When a prayer was initiated in a chat room prior to a promotional meeting I attended I was really turned off. When I read that decisions important to the entire fandom are being arrived at after much prayer I wonder why the author of the post feels the need to divulge this. I believe sensitivity to the diversity of a group demands we adopt a secular approach to the way we conduct the groups business. This does not mean that one should not be allowed to pray for the good of the group. Just that the prayer would be better off kept to ones self or at least to the off topic section of the message board.
There is a Jericho fan whose chosen screen name is a direct religious reference. I never knew this until a thread came along which explored the origins of our screen names. I would not have guessed this person was religious and I find this inspiring.
“Money will buy you a fine dog, but only love can make it wag its tail”
-Richard Friedman
I rarely spend money on Jericho. I feel that this is the Job of CBS. I spend my time on Jericho and my time is valuable. I believe it is inappropriate and detrimental to our group to continually come up with promotional initiatives which cost the fans money. Rather than feel bad about not contributing, many who can not afford to contribute will leave. Fewer members will spread the monetary responsibilities amongst fewer contributors and more will leave. Add this to the natural exodus which occurs in a group like ours over time and I believe it amounts to money not so well spent.
New Kid on the Blog
Like many of you this is my first real experience in a fandom and on message boards. The more I ask myself what the save Jericho campaign has taught me the more I think it is the ability to discern the appropriate way to conduct myself in a group setting. Knowing what to post where is an important skill online and now that I know this I finally realize why I started this blog.


The Main Line


We should do what we are good at and try to support one another as there are many missions and passions at work. We should help when we can and ask for help when we need it. We should not expect others help but be grateful when it is extended. We should recognize encouragement as help and help others thus.


The Main Line

Check out his Blog Below!



The Main Line

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