The Main Line


Hi-diddle-dee (An Actor's Life For Me)

“I know that the dissolutions of personal friendship are among the most painful occurrences in human life.” — Thomas Jefferson
The actor who played the child in Kramer versus Kramer’s name is Justin Henry. While filming the movie there came a scene when Billy Kramer was to cry. Dustin Hoffman used an actors horse sense (And some would say a dirty trick) to enable him to do so. He took Justin aside and pointed out various members of the crew whom through shooting Justin had come to love. He told the child a simple truth of the acting world, that when all of this was over he would not see his friends on a daily basis and many of them he would not see at all. Justin began bawling and they shot the scene.
I have told that story to a lot of folks who think what Hoffman did was cruel but I think that although he was an opportunist he was simply teaching Justin the facts of acting life. The actors we know and love in Jericho will probably not see much of each other once the show is no longer in production and I wonder if many of us in the fandom are not destined to undergo a similar fate. Already people whom I fought side by side with back in June have become less and less a part of my life. Some left because they were fed up and others had real life scenarios to contend with. Some became friends so fast they felt like they always were and others I had to struggle with before befriending. Still others I started out close with but grew apart as priorities led us in different directions. I feel it important to face this as real life has recently had me moving away from the fandom. I feel it necessary to acknowledge that moments have a shelf life and that is why we are required to live them to the fullest. I feel we have done that together and I feel that there are many among us who still are doing so. They call for us to return to the boards and fight on not realizing, I think, that we all move on at different rates and that our moving on does not reflect upon the Jericho movement so much as it simply says that our time has been served. I cannot be in the thick of things daily anymore but I refuse to feel like a failure for it. Another Ranger reminded me tonight that there is no reason to do so.
We have all moved “out of the gray twilight”.

The Main Line


While you are waiting visit these fine links:


The Linemans Lamp


Good Money after Good…
I know I have been pretty much out of things for two weeks now but I have continued to read the boards and I would like to suggest that Jericho fans call a moratorium on asking others to spend money on Ideas to promote Jericho. My strained wallet hurts just reading all of the various ideas as they come along. Times are hard and the last things folks need to feel is that they are less than loyal if they do not put out for the latest, greatest idea to draw attention to the show. I am not talking about DVD’s for the troops. That is a separate, seasonal initiative undertaken by a group of folks who, yes want to promote Jericho but mostly want to provide some respite to our soldiers overseas. I am talking about skywriting and nuts and flowers and ads in more magazines. The Variety ad and the one coming out today in Nielsens own Hollywood Reporter need some time to do their thing. I will not post this on any of the boards and I will not dwell on it further but I believe that for now, money has taken us about as far as it can.
I would hate to think that the great fans of this great show will see hard times ahead because they over extended themselves in their efforts to once again save it.


The Main Line

What's New #2
Added to Passport: Jericho-Hypnoweb
4/29 - Rewatch
(And other great internet enedeavors)
There are a ton of things happening to make the internet work for us. Everywhere we go online we are being counted. Someone knows we are there and in many cases someone is trying to sell advertisements based on this knowledge. The computers which make up the internet are always keeping a tally of our presence and therefore simply by keeping the CBS Jericho board busy (Posting or simply reading) we are showing CBS/Paramount we care.

One long running promotional campaign has been to consistently Vote for the Jericho on all the various sites where the show is represented. Flowerlady, Tothal and Jerichofreak to name only a few have kept this effort going since the 9th of June. Jump right in and Join them.

Of those Vote for Jericho sites, the Rich Labonte site, has held a special place in the heart of fans such as Madcanadian and Rodlee. It has been their and many others objective to vote Jericho to the number one spot for months and the march to the top continues with Jericho Currently in 10th place.

Penny Ronning showed us several weeks ago how we could utilize the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) to our benefit if we Start Clicking.

The Rangers who have given their time and energy to promote Jericho on digg.com are too numerous to list. My Friends list includes many of them and you can find new Jericho related content to Digg by checking out their recent activity.

Two efforts are underway to stream Jericho online and have that activity be counted. The first is a weekly rewatch of the series going in succession. This weeks episode is season 1 episode 4 – The Walls of Jericho. The Great Jericho Rewatch was the brainstorm of Dbalcer. The second effort was inspired by the first and was conceived and orchestrated by Nobodysbaby, Karinchu and a whole lot of the CBS board. It is a Comcast Fancast Marathon.

Hey Nielsen is another place where many, many rangers have given their time and talents. They include Artzylady, Azlady, Law 0621 and many others.

If I have left someone out in giving credit for these online efforts I assure you it was not my intention to do so. I did however want to shine the light for a moment on a few of the many active and important members of our campaign.
04/20 - Added Men of Jericho Forum.
In recent days I have shifted my focus strongly to the tangible side of the screen. A combination of family matters, new job acquisitions and things I have been putting off all demand my attention and I can honestly say I want to give it. Like many of the rest of you I have made Jericho my number 1 priority often over the last months and now for the good of myself and that of my family I must step back a bit. This is not a goodbye but I feel as though I owe my compatriots an explanation as to why I am scarce.

I advocate no particular Rally Point and I will do my utmost to maintain the links on this page so if CBS does close we can all find one another.

Respectfully Yours, - terocious


The Main Line


Crop Circles
Before we ever learn that Jake Green believes himself responsible for the death of a 12 year old girl we see him save the life of one.
The Jericho writers draw circles for us.
Consider Bonnie Richmond, shot dead while protecting her home from an armed invasion by Ravenwood agents, had once before been terrorized by another official looking intruder who held a gun to her head. These writers are exceptional at creating the weave of a good story. Even when they are not necessarily trying as I believe was the case with the Bonnie scenario. The creators of Jericho, and here I am including the cast and crew and fans, seem to enjoy a marvelous synchronicity. Unfortunately the coincidence of events which make up the tale of Jericho are not all positive and have even lead some to believe that CBS set the show up to fail but that was another post for another day and all that really matters now is that we want more of this great story. We want to see how Jericho will translate in its next incarnation.
How long can this go on I wonder? How many times can we make history and then be granted for our efforts another round of Jericho action. Protesting, for us, is becoming as regular as the planting of crops. A fitting metaphor for a show based on a rural farming community. More circles to ponder. But the circles, almost as if they were crafted by a Shotz or Barbee, grow larger in diameter and now include exposing the inaccuracies of Nielsen and bearing witness to the birth of ITV. There sure is a lot on the plate of Jericho fans but, given that the show at the heart of our passion shuffles the whole of history and breaks many of the rules of cool, I doubt we would have it any other way.


The Main Line

What's New? #1
Time is passing and our ad in Variety has been slightly delayed. Learn HERE how you can keep the name Jericho before the eyes of industry insiders.
Brand New COMCAST News - Rate the videos and show Comcast we care!!!
E-Bay Auction for "Sell Jericho" Ad Fund - Second Item Posted
Rewatch Every Tuesday!!!
E-Bay Auction for "Sell Jericho" Ad Fund - First Item Posted
Update from Carol Barbee on Jericho's future (4-14-08)
04/12 Letter to Smithsonian and Reply.
04/11 PRIORITY DIGG: Jericho Script on eBay
"Sell" Jericho AD Campaign updates
The Great Jericho Rewatch
Terminology: Net Neutrality = Rules that would prevent broadband providers from discriminating against certain Web sites or certain types of online traffic.
Terminology: ITV = Internet Television
Bullroarer1 and Zajoo are Seeking International Fans.
Trevaknows has an idea to have customized Jericho Calling cards sent to the troops. Read all about it HERE.
04/10 Added: Short Story Life
04/10 Added: Jericho Check Point
04/10 PRIORITY DIGG: TV rating criteria need upgrade
In the great news department, Jericho Sam's submission IGN: Jericho Third Season Still Possible went popular on DIGG at 4:22 pm on April 9th and is receiving much attention. It is evident by the comments that there are a lot of folks who had no idea this deal was in the works. The post will hang out on the front page of Digg for a few days cluing in the casual fans of the show that it truly ain't over. Congratulations Jericho Sam, you have a keen eye my friend.


The Linemans Lamp

Have you heard about
The Great Jericho Rewatch?

This is an unparalleled opportunity for the friends of Jericho to make a bona fide statement regarding our numbers. Every Tuesday at 10pm Eastern Standard Time Jericho Rangers are asked to click the same link and stream the same episode of our favorite show. Learn more about it HERE.

T h e....L i n e m a n ' s....L a m p


"Bail it in"


Small Diversion Below:

**Grand Canyon Railway steam train at Coconino Canyon**



04/09 PRIORITY DIGG - Here



Digg the 04/08 Rewatch episode Here



Let's make a deal


Stellars left an interesting comment on Amy Vernon's Comcast Digg:

"The big cable companies, Comcast, Cox Cable, and Time Warner have a co-op called CableLabs (just google it for more info). So maybe that is a possibility. They've never done a joint venture for content, but they do alot of joint ventures for development and advertising. I'm assuming Jericho must be doing pretty well in OnDemand with Comcast for it to be even a remote possibility that CBS is is exploring. If you are a fan of the show I urge you to go to your OnDemand screen and rewatch the episodes. I have Comcast and Jericho is still available OnDemand." -04/08/08


Jericho: Start Clicking


From Penny Ronning comes a terrific idea for keeping Jericho before the eyes of the industry. Penny has consistantly offered up inspiring Jericho contet. Jericho Monster did a fantastic interview with her a couple of weeks back. -04/08/08


The "Sell" Jericho Ad Campaign


Yesterday AlasJericho returned to the CBS Jericho Boards with an Idea for a new fan sponsored ad in Variety and possibly the Hollywood Reporter. Interestingly enough Surffam had proposed a similar idea earlier in the day which referenced the Variety ad AlasJericho had helped secure during the first save campaign. -04/08/08


Nothing News


An eleven year old article about Nielsen went popular on digg.com this week. It looked just like an article that could have been written today. I found the comments of cornswalled to be really interesting. Especially this one in regard to why there is still no better system:

"They know an accurate system would reveal them as having a fraction of the viewers they actually have, which would KILL their revenue stream." -04/07/08




Kricka would like help visualizing season three.

Rubberpoultry proves Jericho is a Cereal Drama.

K6FEJ Supes up NorsU.

Amy is on an april fools errand.



The Great Jericho Rewatch

Join us on Tuesday, August 5th at 10 pm EST for:
Each week, on tuesday nights, we are gathering as many Jericho fans as possible to watch the same Jericho episode at the same time - 10 PM EST.
Stream the episode from the link above or watch the episode on DVD and email CBS and tell them you watched at audsvcs@cbs.com.
There will be an undeniable draw on their servers for our episode and they will know the Jericho Rangers have paid them a visit.
After the show, post your comments on the original episode thread at CBS.
Long Live Jericho!!!


The Main Line


Jericho Juncture
I was glad to see a popular Jericho forum sent out a press release which has been getting some awesome media attention but sad to see that the only Jericho related link in the release was for the forum that produced it.
Let’s be honest about this, not everyone in the fandom will utilize this forum.
Similarly a great idea came about to re-watch all 28 episodes of Jericho each week on Tuesday nights at a designated time. This could be an amazing web statement if all of us participated and streamed the episodes causing a spike that was focused and undeniable but instead the idea was put forth as connected to a simultaneous chat in one specific chat room.
Let’s be honest about this, not everyone in the fandom will utilize this chat room.
It seems like almost everyone in this fandom has places in the Jericho network they will not go so how do we include the entire fandom in a new effort to save the show? By thinking BIG and daring to redefine our boundaries, by accepting that our greatest achievements came from working together and by remembering that our own state is as disunited as the colonies Ben Franklin addressed in his 1754 essay Join or Die:
“The Confidence of the French in this Undertaking seems well-grounded on the present disunited State of the British Colonies, and the extreme Difficulty of bringing so many different Governments and Assemblies to agree in any speedy and effectual Measures for our common Defence and Security; while our Enemies have the very great Advantage of being under one Direction, with one Council, and one Purse.”
Our enemies truly believe that there is no way for us to “bring so many different governments and assemblies together to agree in any speedy and effectual measure for our common defence.”
What say you?