The Main Line


Crop Circles
Before we ever learn that Jake Green believes himself responsible for the death of a 12 year old girl we see him save the life of one.
The Jericho writers draw circles for us.
Consider Bonnie Richmond, shot dead while protecting her home from an armed invasion by Ravenwood agents, had once before been terrorized by another official looking intruder who held a gun to her head. These writers are exceptional at creating the weave of a good story. Even when they are not necessarily trying as I believe was the case with the Bonnie scenario. The creators of Jericho, and here I am including the cast and crew and fans, seem to enjoy a marvelous synchronicity. Unfortunately the coincidence of events which make up the tale of Jericho are not all positive and have even lead some to believe that CBS set the show up to fail but that was another post for another day and all that really matters now is that we want more of this great story. We want to see how Jericho will translate in its next incarnation.
How long can this go on I wonder? How many times can we make history and then be granted for our efforts another round of Jericho action. Protesting, for us, is becoming as regular as the planting of crops. A fitting metaphor for a show based on a rural farming community. More circles to ponder. But the circles, almost as if they were crafted by a Shotz or Barbee, grow larger in diameter and now include exposing the inaccuracies of Nielsen and bearing witness to the birth of ITV. There sure is a lot on the plate of Jericho fans but, given that the show at the heart of our passion shuffles the whole of history and breaks many of the rules of cool, I doubt we would have it any other way.


Margie and Edna said...

Cousin T,

Have you been in the Special Tea again? My goodness, you always did love to make those circles on that old bicycle. I remember when Edna flattened your tires one time but I see it didn't work.

Great post.

Cousin Margie

Melissa said...

Well said. This campaign has grown far beyond saving Jericho, but that objective remains at the heart of it.