If it truly is the thought that counts...

...then why do human bother with the gift?
After yesterday's post on the differences between Star Trek and Jericho Debby left this comment:
"The connection I see between the two besides the brought back from cancellation one is that they both are epic stories. Star Trek was not a serial but did tell a story about exploring a new world and so does Jericho but in serial fashion."
I believe this is essentially true. Both shows are epic tales of humanity faced with the unknown. Here are some more similarities which come to mind:
Hawkins and Spock are both outsider characters who operate on many levels at once. They are grounded in logic and yet, seek to understand the nuances of those close to them and their surroundings. Spock is half human by birth and Robert Hawkins has become so by training. With both characters we become heavily invested in their journey.
Equality of the sexes is a theme which runs through both shows. In Star Trek we see this more vividly in the next generation and subsequent spin offs. In Jericho there seems to be a slow unraveling of gender roles until the useless and stubborn attitudes fall away in favor of more practical and mutually beneficial arrangements. Still, I believe Jericho has a golden opportunity to take this further by making Gail Green an active and intelligent leader in the resistance movement which is to come.
Both shows also contain a visionary component emphasizing the vast possibilities for good (and evil) by humanity.
The Great Jericho Rewatch is a fandom wide effort to let CBS/Paramount know we are still here by simultaneously streaming Jericho on CBS.com or Comcast owned Fancast. The latter links through CBS and has the added bonus of letting Comcast, a Jericho suitor, know our numbers. Please join us tonight and every Tuesday to watch the episode of the week.

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